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Shreveport Birth Center

Welcome to the first and only free standing birthing center in Northwest Louisiana. While we are definitely all about catching babies and giving families the options they need in the perinatal period, community is at the heart of everything we do. 


As a compliment to routine private clinical care, our model embraces a group educational component. Our clients are grouped together roughly based on due month, and are given the tools to participate in their healthcare assessments by taking their own blood pressure, pulse, weight, and checking their own urine. Each client receives a period of private assessment with a midwife, followed by a group session during which we discuss the clinical choices they face. The results are clients who are empowered with a deep understanding and knowledge about their pregnancies, and develop a sense of community because they are surrounded by other families with the same ideals. 



We aim to be a full spectrum perinatal center. We have an onsite classroom that hosts various support groups, classes, and meetings. Our hope is that anyone who needs support or resources will be able to find comfort in the Shreveport Birth Center Community. 

Jaime Wessler midwife CPM Birth Center Shreveport

Owner, Midwife


Staff Midwife

JF Student.jpg

Jennifer Forsberg

Student Midwife

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